Our mission
Our mission is to take for everybody the best of the current technology we have to offer, in a way that everyone could enjoy the same resources, therefore all our projects have at least one free version, so the whole community have benefits of them, besides we usually use the Nintersoft’s open source code licence in our projects that are restrict to programs and the Creative Commons licence for projects that also uses the electonics part.
It is extremelly important for the mainternance of our ideals that the community maintain contact to our team, in other words, it isn’t necessary to participate only contributing with codes or projects elaboration, but sending us crash logs, participating with sugestions and opinions for the development of projects and much more.
Our history
The history of the Nintersoft began around 2012 when the name of the organization was still CDM project (projeto CDM – portuguese) and was only toward development of personalization for Android ROMs. The time has passed and the necessities have changed, even with only one developer, new projects have been done, whereas they were becoming more complex.
Over time the name of the organization have passed throgh many canges, when in 2014 we decided the definitive name: Nintersoft, that is the fusion of Technology, Interface and Software.
In 2014 we passed to develop projects with hardware, in other words, we also passed to dedicate part of our time for electronics. The electronics projects are also in our mission, so it is usually Open Hardware (under Creative Commons licence).
In the end of 2015 we passed through a reform and reflected the seriousness and attention that we were giving to our projects development, making us to be firmer in our posture when talking about our ideals and legacy.